

Recent articles on Acquisition

6 Steps for a family-owned business transition

Selling a business is a pivotal moment for any family-owned small business, and it can be emotionally tumultuous for the owner, employees, and community. This...
As Baby Boomer small business owners retire en masse in the coming years, new models for transferring ownership to employees are keeping businesses open, preserving...
Retiring small business owners face a succession problem. When the owners retire, 70% fail to find a buyer. Teamshares offers a 90% close rate on...
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After my father's passing, I took over his automotive repair business. After reinvesting in the company, I partnered with Teamshares to exit in a way...
Teamshares is one of America's largest buyers of small businesses from retiring owners, with a 90% close rate on signed LOIs. Even still, we only...

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